Bookmarks is a list of shortcuts to Web pages.
Opera comes pre-installed with a host of popular sites, and you may add as many of your own as you wish.
To go to a bookmark, double-click the bookmark.
To open the bookmark in a new window, press Shift and double-click the bookmark.
To open the bookmark in the background, press Ctrl + Shift and double-click the bookmark.
To create a bookmark for the Web page you are currently viewing, click .
To find particular bookmarks, enter text in the find field.
This will dynamically gather all bookmarks that contain your entered text in a folder called "Find results".
Bookmarks may be organized into sub-folders.
To create a sub-folder, first click the folder you want as parent for the sub-folder, then click .
To configure display in the Bookmarks, click .
From here you can...
Select in what order to display your bookmarks
Turn on and off the find field
Decide whether to split the bookmark area into two
Turn on and off column headers
To move sub-folders around, click the folder and hold the mouse button down, move the mouse to where you want to move the folder, and let go of the button.
To open all the bookmarks in a sub-folder, drag and drop the the folder into the browsing area.
Note: If the folder contains many entries you will receive a warning dialog.
Main bar
The main bar contains a set of buttons that help you to do essential Web browsing, including...
Create new windows for browsing
Open and save files on your computer
Print Web pages on paper
Find text in the Web page
Go back and forward between pages you have visited in a window
Get the newest version of a page (Reload)
Go to your home page
Access the bookmarks in your active bookmark folder
Tile and cascade all your windows in Opera
Address bar
The address bar consists of (left to right)...
The padlock icon -- check the level of security on a site
The image button -- toggle showing images in the page
The mode button -- toggle between author mode and user mode
The address field -- type in Web page addresses
The address dropdown -- access previously typed addresses
The search field -- perform Web searches directly
The search dropdown -- select which search engine to use
The zoom field -- enter a zoom factor for the Web page
The zoom dropdown -- choose between pre-selected factors
Other bars
Status bar
When you are pointing to something with your mouse, the status bar will display information about it.
This includes...
Buttons on toolbars
Entry fields such as the address field
Bookmarks in the Hotlist
Links in Web pages
Progress bar
When a Web page loads, a progress bar displays the following information (left to right):
Percentage of page document transferred to your computer
Number of images transferred and total
Total amount of data transferred
Average data transfer speed during loading of page
Time passed since loading started
Current status of page loading
Link bar
The Link bar uses the LINK element in HTML to make navigation easier:
The home button -- indicates the location of the homepage, or starting page in this site
The first button -- indicates the location of the first document in a series, relative to the current document
The previous button -- indicates the location of the previous document in a series, relative to the current document
The next button -- indicates the location of the next document in a series, relative to the current document
The last button -- indicates the location of the last document in a series, relative to the current document
The up button -- indicates the location of the document which is logically directly above the current document
The index button indicates the location of the index for this site. This doesn't have to be the same as the table of contents. The index could be alphabetical, for example
The help button -- indicates the location of a help file for this site. This can be useful if the site is complex, or if the current document may require explanations to be used correctly (for example, a large fill-in form)
The search button -- indicates the search page for this site
The copyright button -- indicates the location of a page with copyright information for information and such on this site
The author button -- send an e-mail to the author of the web page with your default e-mail application
The Link buttons will only be active if the Link element is used by the author of the page.
Links can also be accessed via Links under Navigation.